Since we launched in early August, Shelby, Cain, Drew, and I have all been broadcasting from what we here at the radio station call the "Porno Dungeon."

I mean, that's literally what it looks like - dark red walls, black foam, sheet metal cove base and counter. I've been told there used to be a zebra print rug in there, too.

Yup, definitely a porno dungeon.

We're in the middle of redecorating - so far, we've added a sunflower garland, X marquee light, a $1 vintage radio, and Shelby's beloved Eddie Vedder poster.

But we NEED to get rid of the man cave that is sheet metal and period stain red! So we're starting out with paint colors. Vote for your choice below!

Don't get why we call it the Porno Dungeon? See for yourself in photos.

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