Commuting is a stressful daily activity for much of the American workforce and it is not something most people enjoy doing. Now, with the growth of even small cities, you may have to commute to work in the same city you live in. But it may be worse for you than you thought, since several factors involved in commuting contribute to poor health. How far do you commute?

A new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine looked at the commuting habits of workers in two cities. Those who traveled more than 15 miles to work each day were more likely to be obese and carry fat around the belly, which leads to heart problems. They were also less likely to get exercise compared to those with a five-mile commute. Those who traveled more than 10 miles per day also had a tendency to have high blood pressure.

The ultimate result is that commuting can cause stress and lead to bad eating behaviors, such as noshing on fast food picked up at gas stations while driving.

After driving for a good part of your day and then working the rest of it, when you are at home, you usually don't feel like doing anything other than watching a little TV and eating more junk. But the only way to overcome those problems is to move closer to work or to use the stairs and a pedometer, along with eating well and exercising to establish balance.


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