Pink Taco
Ok guys, answer me this... Why are vagina's important to you? Do they remind you of Sunday morning breakfast? Because they are the original honeycomb hideout? Because you can shave them, pierce them and tattoo them? If you answered the question any of those ways, you are not alone. Here is what the other 100 guys answered... 

In support of One Billion Rising For Justice, the cast of the Vagina Monologues at Connecticut College, asked 100 men what vagina’s meant to them. The answers were all over the board...

So I know what you are thinking... Butch, why are vagina's important to you? Well, first of all that word, like penis, is hard for me to get by. For some reason I prefer the slang terms for both the male and female reproductive organ, so if you ask me why vajayjay's are important to me, and I will tell you that if it weren't for them, everyone would presumably have a wiener, and I am not attracted to wieners, so therefore I wouldn't know what it's like to have a crush. So, thank you god for inventing them!

Your turn... In the comment section below tell us why vagina's are important to you.↓

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