Well, if I remember right, mine was... Oh, wait a minute.  None of us remembers these.  But chances are, our parents would!

Blue longboard with multicolored wheels ready for extreme outdoor ride
Nikkolia via Thinkstock

At the risk of revealing my age (which I don't care about much anyway,) the ones that stand out most to me are "Phat," "Not!," and one that's not on the list from that time era but should be, "Bunk," as in 'fake,' or 'b.s.'

While modern days always get (and probably always have gotten) knocked for being the most brain-dead when it comes to our language, this list is a bit relieving.  To me, the ones from the 1920s are as goofy as the ones that are out in the 2000s.  Not saying they're bad - just equally thoughtless.  Which is what makes them work.  They come from the gut, not the overworked brain.  The most fun ones, however, seem to be from the '60s.  You had me at both "kegger" and "freak flag."

Okay, I'll say it.  The big slang term the year I was born, is "Detox."  Coincidence?  Definitely.  Not!!

Click on the image for the list, which covers slang terms from 1926-2006!

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