
Your Birth Year Slang
Your Birth Year Slang
Your Birth Year Slang
Well, if I remember right, mine was... Oh, wait a minute.  None of us remembers these.  But chances are, our parents would! At the risk of revealing my age (which I don't care about much anyway,) the ones that stand out most to me are "Phat," "Not...
'Manspreading' New Addition To Oxford Dictionaries, Among Others
'Manspreading' New Addition To Oxford Dictionaries, Among Others
'Manspreading' New Addition To Oxford Dictionaries, Among Others
Oxford Dictionaries added new terms to its list of 21st-century slang category yesterday, including "manspreading." Manspreading, a noun, is "the practice whereby a man, especially one travelling on public transport, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats...