I have to admit something... I have a shoe fetish. No, I don't like to make love to shoes, I just like to have a lot of them around. Different styles, different colors, different brands, I just plain like shoes. Now that I am a "big boy" I cant afford to buy as any shoes as I used to, but if I could I would. That being said, we all have a favorite pair of shoes, mine changes from month to month but right now its my black flip flops. What kind of shoe do you wear most often?

Some prefer boots, some dress shoes, others like tennis shoes, and you could go on. Obviously my choice of shoe right now, the flip flop, wouldn't work well in the winter, so the other times of times for me the go to is tennis shoes. I may actually have to consider wearing tennis shoes more after research said flip flops may be bad for you.

Flip-Flops are great for the beach, or public pools and showers, but are dangerous for sports, hiking or walking because they offer no arch support, heel cushioning or shock absorption, the American Podiatric Medical Association warns. Due to lack of support, the popular sandals can tripper pain in the feet, legs, hips and back, and may lead to sprained ankles, broken toes and toenails, nerve problems and plantar fasciitis inflammation of the arch tissue.

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