
Meet Fort Collins' Insta Pug
Meet Fort Collins' Insta Pug
Meet Fort Collins' Insta Pug
This furry, four-legged Fort Collins resident has an Instagram that's so cute, we can't puggin' handle it. Meet Yoshi the pug, AKA @mrgraybeard.
Best #TasteofFoCo Instas
Best #TasteofFoCo Instas
Best #TasteofFoCo Instas
I don't think I've ever been so dehydrated, and the 90 degree days left me with leather jacket withdrawals, but, I still had a blast at #TasteofFoCO 2016.
Hot CSU Vet Goes Viral
Hot CSU Vet Goes Viral
Hot CSU Vet Goes Viral
Turns out, if you Google 'hot veterinarian' (and I did) Colorado State University alumnus Dr. Evan Antin comes up. Check out the Instagram-famous animal lover.
Nathaniel vs. Britney, Bitch
Nathaniel vs. Britney, Bitch
Nathaniel vs. Britney, Bitch a black bra. It's Britney, bitch, gone 'Son of a Bitch.' Denver's own Nathaniel Rateliff did just about the best thing possible in this Instagram video.
Top January Instagrams
Top January Instagrams
Top January Instagrams
We've come to the conclusion that Instagrammers love rock stars and pastries just about as much as they do photos of desks. That's right. Desks.
Shelby's #5itemsofX
Shelby's #5itemsofX
Shelby's #5itemsofX
From gross confessions to my 'must-have' look to my embarrassing excuse of a cellphone, I took over our Instagram to post five shots of things that are 'me.'
Which Redhead Singer Just Became A Doctor?
Which Redhead Singer Just Became A Doctor?
Which Redhead Singer Just Became A Doctor?
Big congratulations are in order for Ed Sheeran, because he just became a doctor! (Well, kind of.) For his outstanding contribution to music, the University Campus Suffolk in England gave Sheeran an honorary doctorate degree. "I graduated today, I am now officially Dr...

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