Thursday night marks the first televised debate of 2016, and sixth overall, for the Republican presidential candidates, as they meet again – this time in South Carolina, a state that generally votes in their party's favor.

As always, the evening will kick off with a preliminary session at 4 p.m. MST featuring the lower-polling candidates. Since the last debate, both Carly Fiorina and Sen. Rand Paul (KY) were demoted to the JV squad instead of being invited to participate in the main event. Fiorina took the offer, Paul did not.

Following at 7 p.m. MST, the seven front-running Republican candidates will take the stage for two hours. You'll find Donald Trump standing front and center, as he's still leading the national polls, surrounded by Sen. Ted Cruz (TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (FL), retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Gov. Chris Christie (NJ) and Gov. John Kasich (OH). Election season is officially underway next month, so now the pressure is on to set themselves apart and things could get heated...then again, that's really nothing new when it comes to this group. Expect to hear discussions on recent terror attacks, gun control, immigration, and the Republicans' take on Obama's State of the Union. As usual, Trump has found someone to pick on. This time around, it is Cruz and his eligibility to even run in the presidential race – viewers can anticipate a face-off full of flying insults. Other candidates need to take the opportunity to speak up tonight, or their chances in Iowa won't be looking so hot (looking at you Kasich and Carson). Since the debate is being aired on Fox Business, there's a strong possibility that the economy and taxes will get brought up too.

While it's great to be educated and informed, politics just aren't everyone's cup of tea. For some additional entertainment, besides tuning in to the primary-process, reality TV show that Trump thinks he's playing the star role in, how about playing some GOP Debate Bingo? It's easy, the first person to clear a row wins – bragging rights if you make it through the whole debate and can get every square on your board crossed off.

You can download the boards and print them here: 2016 GOP Presidential Bingo.

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