There is a new dating app called Clover that makes the whole finding someone process cut and dry. If you want to date, it finds people who also want just that. If you only want no-strings-attached sex, then you’ll only meet people with that same interest. By gathering their user data, they created this map showing what each state wants the most.

The four options were casual dating, long-term relationships, hookups and new friends. I am not really sure of the differences in casual dating and long-term relationships... All I can guess is that casual relationships is a combo of hookups and new friends... Basically friends with benefits...

Colorado seems most interested in the whole lets date for awhile, but if you ever talk about marriage your gone, sort of thing. We aren't alone though. Most of the states in our region, and the majority of states overall are into that sort of thing.

If you only want to get a little, your only options are California, Nevada, or North Dakota... Or you could always just put casual dating down, and never call her back!

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