It happens at least once a summer, someone steps on a sticker or sharp rock and blood gets on the carpet. If only you had a life hack for that, something with magical powers.

Life Hacks with Peroxide D Dennison
Life Hacks with Peroxide D Dennison


  • Blood quivers at the sight of peroxide, put a little peroxide on the blood stain and watch it disappear. Be careful not to use too much or it will act like a bleach, test this on darker fabrics before going all in with your peroxide pour
  • You can use a 3% mix of peroxide with water to treat an oral infection, not something that you want to make a habit of but in a pinch, this could be what your mouth is screaming for
  • Say goodbye to earwax, mix a small amount of peroxide with equal amounts of room temperature water, using a dropper put two drops in your ear while tilting your head, hold that position for a minute then hold your head upright, the wax should drain
  • Battling acne? Peroxide can help with the look of acne prone skin, use it as a spot treatment verses a whole face application.
  • Household cleaner, peroxide can clean floors, counter tops and toilets
  • Equal parts of peroxide and water make for an amazing streak free window and glass cleaner
  • Want a better alternative to bleach, throw this in the bleach dispenser in your washing machine to a load of whites and watch them brighten up
  • Soak your sponges and cutting boards with peroxide to disinfect them, just remember to wash them after soaking

There are so many life hacks that help make cleaning, taking care of kids and saving money an easy chore. Check back often for more life hacking options.


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