When I was a kid, I wouldn't have been able to sit down for at least a month after doing something like this. This kid is out of control, and literally destroys this store.

As Elite Daily showed us, this kid is out of control. If the kid was younger I could see saying that he doesn't know any better in his temper tantrum.

This kid is at least 10 years old I am thinking and surely knows better that what he is doing is not okay.

Then you look at the store employees and nothing from them, they are kind of dumbfounded. At the same time, in society today, if they did do something then they would be considered horrible people and what the kid did would be ignored.

The destructive path of this kid isn't stopped until a customer (I'm assuming) grabs the kid by the shirt and bring him outside to wait for his parents or Police.

So, how would you deal with this if you were saw this happening?

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