Preservativos - Condoms
Yea, I know 700,000 people in America have gonorrhea. Yea, I have heard it's painful, but who cares, right? Endure a little pain to sleep with every hot chick you can. After all  it can be cured with a simple little trip to the doctor's office. HOLD UP one second! According to a new study patients are becoming resistant to the gonorrhea drug. Maybe it's time to settle down! 

According to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, patients in a Canadian clinic have proven resistant to cephalosporins, a form of oral antibiotic traditionally used to treat the disease.

Last year, both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control warned that untreatable gonorrhea—the world's second most common sexually transmitted infection—could soon be a reality as the bacteria showed increasing resistance to cephalosporins in lab tests.

"These are the clinical cases we've been waiting for," Allen says. "This is the translation of the lab information into what the clinical consequence is."


Rest easy for a minute. There is a stronger drug that still seems to work, but that is only for now. Doctors say the next threat is when, not if, the same thing happens with the stronger drug.

Two words for you... SAFE SEX, my friends!


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