I am by no means saying there is any plans in place, or that there ever will be, but with Fort Collins starting their own public transportation system soon and a large chunk of I-25 closing today for the presidential debate it got me to thinking. Do you think there is a big enough need to think about building a light rail system that would connect Fort Collins with Denver?

The Denver metro area is unique compared to many large cities in that it is quite consolidated. In many larger cities around the country an hour drive from the main hub and another large suburb would still be considered part of the metro area. Not here. You have Colorado Springs an hour south of Denver, and it is it's own thing, same thing to the north with Fort Collins.

The problem with having two semi large cities that close to one another is a lot of folks will commute. That clogs highways, and especially when there are not very many routes to chose from. When there are tings like presidential debates that close stretches of I-25, it causes a major traffic nightmare around the state.

With Fort Collins bringing the first ever light rail-like transportation to the city soon in a new rapid transit system called MAX, is it time to start thinking of the possibility of hooking Denver and Fort Collins together with some sort of rapid transit?

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