It's not the first time that a Miss Teen USA contestant has been caught doing dirty things on camera, but it is the first time to our knowledge that a Colorado contestant has... Kristy Althaus, runner-up in the Miss Colorado Teen USA 2012 pageant has ALLEGEDLY been caught in a sticky situation! 

Last week someone informed Gawker of the video (Yes, they have the very NSFW video), that we can't say is 100% Kristy for sure, but since then she has allegedly been stripped of her First Runner-Up title for Miss Colorado Teen USA.

Since the video from came into question, she has removed her Twitter and all of her information on the official Miss Teen USA website had been scrubbed. But before her Twitter was removed she did leave some interesting Tweets like "You have to do what's right for you, no one walks in your shoes," and "Yeah I'll be good in bed, but I'll be bad to you..."

You may remember Melissa King who was stripped of her Miss Teen USA Delaware title last year after appearing in a video for the same company...

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