As a gamer and a fan of Avenged Sevenfold, I can't help but feel excited and perplexed all at the same time. The band is putting out a game for mobile devices that is said to be a "clone" of Diablo called Hail to the King: Deathbat. Diablo is a game where friends get together on a private server and play through a story while slaying monsters and leveling up their characters. Sounds pretty nerdy, I know...

That's why this is so strange! I hear their music and imagine hardcore rock starts full of tattoos and the works. Hearing this, Now I imagine those same people coding a game in their mom's basement, covered in Cheeto dust, with a Dungeons and Dragons poster hanging on the wall.

In reality though, they could still kick my ass so I better be nice. To be honest, I have every intention of downloading this game when it's available. It looks like a lot of fun! Their music is actually the perfect backdrop to a game like this if you watch the video.

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