And if you have ever asked the question "what is wrong with people these days?" refer to the title of this post. Actually, according to a new study, it turns out that many Americans would prefer go without sex before a lot of things! 

Although past studies have shown that people enjoy sex more than Facebook (is that really a surprise?), new data from Harris Interactive suggests that more U.S. adults can live without sex than live without mobile devices or other inanimate objects.

More than a quarter said they couldn't bear to live without their mobile phone, compared with 20% who said the same about getting it on. Thankfully, we haven’t completely lost our minds (yet)- the number-one thing people couldn’t survive without, cited by 73% of participants, is food, followed by cars (42%). Of course, internet access rounds out the top three with 28% of the vote.

Guess this explains why one in 10 adults actually use their smartphone while doing the deed... Not only rude, but unsanitary!

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