The shocking and sad suicides of two 11-year-olds in Fort Collins within a week has affected many throughout the area.  As the tragedies rock the area, the giving that the citizens of Fort Collins and Northern Colorado have already shown is a symbol of how we should all treat one another.

Lara Segall, Getty Images

A young boy, Spencer. A young girl, Gigi’s daughter. Both from Fort Collins, who went to different schools, died from suicide within a week of each other. It shocks. It shocks the family especially, of course, and it shocks the community. While we struggle to imagine the reasons for their suicides, and we talk to our own children about bullying and suicide, we also look for a way to honor the two children and help their families as the Fort Collins area mourns.

I’d heard about GoFundMe accounts being set up to help the families. I thought ‘Yes, I definitely want to donate.’ Maybe for just a way to say ‘I’m so sorry for this to have happened.’ Turns out, I wasn’t alone in wanting to donate:  Many people already had.

Many things happen throughout a year, where you hear ‘To donate…’ I can see where after a while, it can become white noise.  You begin to ignore it.   When kids so young die of suicide, in our own community, so close to Christmas, it’s time to rally around. Time to hug one another, share feelings, and talk about it. And to give a prayer to the families.  At the very least.

To donate to the boy’s family’s GoFundMe –click HERE

To donate to the girl’s family’s GoFundMe- click HERE

[Soucre: Coloradoan]

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