Denver Zoo Hippo Bertie just celebrated 58th Birthday
Courtesy of Denver Zoo

What do you get a hippopotamus for his birthday? The Denver Zoo’s hippo Bert just turned 58-year’s-old. Bert is the oldest known hippo in the world, at least at accredited zoos. Fifty-eight in hippo years is like a man being 110 years old.

On Tuesday, Bert chowed down on pounds of cake, which included soaked grass-eater grain, soaked monkey chow, bananas and apple sauce mixed together.

According to 9 News in Denver, everyone who has "Bert" in their name is invited to visit the zoo for free through Sunday, August 24. Names including Bert, Robert, Roberta, Bertha, Herbert, Norbert, Berthold will get the free admission.

Bertie, affectionately called Bert, arrived at the zoo on Dec. 16, 1958 from Central Park Zoo.


My hippo has the hiccups
and his hiccups shake the ground.
The floor is always rumbling
when my hippo is around.

I bought him at the pet store
But I missed a small detail.
I didn't see the sign said:
"Hiccupotamus for sale."

--Kenn Nesbitt

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