Colorado's own The Fray sang the National Anthem at the NCAA Championship game in Louisiana on Monday. Most of the time when you get bad publicity after performing the Anthem it is because you forgot the words, unless you are Rosanne. Now the Fray can add their name to that short list. The performance wasn't horrid like Rosanne's, actually it was performed really well, just really weird. Acoustic guitars, a drum, and a very different rhythm made some say "you don't mess with that song!" Was it the worst rendition of the National Anthem ever?

In my opinion artists have the freewill to create music all day everyday, so if you have the honor of singing that song, leave it alone and use your creativity on your own stuff. They didn't, however break the cardinal sin of National Anthem singing, forgetting the words. There is only one thing worse than forgetting the words, and that is Rosanne.

My vote for the worst ever...


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