Gear up! Colorado has the highest sports participation rate in the United States (so... why did I spend so much time on the bench growing up?). We've also been ranked in the top of other categories, too, like how caffeinated and/or depressed we are. 


WalletHub, a personal finance site, sought out to test whether there is, in fact, a definite link between money and happiness. They conducted nationwide research to show what states are best and worst at when it comes to the components of a 'happy' lifestyle, like hours of work, amount of sleep and exercise, and safety.

According to the experts' research, we ranked number four overall and third in emotional and physical wellness, beat by Utah, Minnesota and Hawaii (there's a surprise).

The scary thing is that we beat California by ten places, which only means more of them will be flocking this way.

You can see the full report from WalletHub here.



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