It has only been a couple of weeks since I told you how I felt about kindness. I truly believe that there is no other human trait that is more important. Manners go hand in hand with being kind. There are many things that mom and dad taught us when we were kids, but it seems many of us have forgotten what those things are. Here is a reminder. 

I have noticed a lack of manners around our society a lot lately, but it really hit me when watching a football qame this Sunday. The starting quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs was knocked out cold during the game and the crowd, in Kansas City no less, cheered. It has always been a common courtesy to act in support of injured players from the opposing team, and I thought it went without saying to do it for your own team. I don't care if he is the worst quarterback in the history of the game, it is just that, a game. He has a family at home, he has things he likes to do that require his physical abilities, and deep down he is just like you and me, a human being. Why you would ever cheer when someone gets hurt is beyond me, and unacceptable.

But manners go deeper than football. Doesn't it make you feel good when someone lets you over into their lane when you are driving and need to get over? Don't you like it when your hands are full and someone holds the door for you? When the cashier at Wal-Mart smiles and says thank you? I think we can all agree that when someone does those sorts of things it makes your day just a little bit better. It is sure better than the opposite.

The problem isn't just kids like some might think. I see older folks who have a preconceived notion that they don't have to use their manners too. Its a human problem, and if you do your part, say please, say thank you, smile at a stranger, etc. it may inspire someone else to do the same. Once we all get back to using our simple manners, this world will be a nicer place!

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