Been there, done that. Mark Hoppus warned you it wouldn't be pretty, and it's not. On the bright side, as a 'year 23' veteran, I can tell you, it does get better (kinda) and you're not alone. 

Being 23 isn't actually awful... it's just awkward because you're like, in a twenty-something post-college/pre-real-adult limbo. It doesn't actually go away when you turn 24, like some awesome and magical birthday gift (like in the The Thirteenth Year when Cody sprouted mermaid fins and killed it on the school's swim team). I think that happens at 27, but I'm not really sure.

I came across a blog written by uncomfortably-23-year-old Amanda. Amanda hits the nail on the head in her blog, 'Wait, What?' and brings company to our misery.

To touch on a couple points she makes here:

You’re too “graduated” for your college friends. Sure it’s great to hang out every once in a while, go out for drinks or run into them at the bar on the weekends, but for the most part, their lives revolve around school, school friends and campus life. Nothing that you’re really welcome to unless it’s an Alumni function. Not to say that you don’t love all your college friends dearly, you just don’t want to be that person that people question if you graduated or not.

I mean, this is prevalent as ever in Fort Collins.

Your life revolves around answering BuzzFeed quizzes, Netflix and applying for jobs. Self explanatory. Currently on season 6 of Criminal Minds and according to BuzzFeed, I’m super sassy, not basic at all and I should have majored in Philosophy. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.

I got 'partially basic.' But that's probably because I said some very favorable things about pumpkin spice.

Check out Amanda's full 'Nobody Likes You When You’re 23' post.

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