So I think we tend to go overboard when famous people die. We make them way more talented and way more important than they actually were when they lived. It's an odd thing, I don't usually get but I have found myself listening to a healthy dose of Gwar (if there is such a thing) and Oderus Urungus/Dave Brockie will be missed. Metal (of which I'm a HUGE fan) can take itself so seriously which has never made sense to me because metal is so unintentionally funny sometimes. Dave saw that and masterfully used it to mold one of the most unique bands in any genre.

I did a phone interview with Oderus about six years ago when the phone connection cut out and got screwed up and he went on a fantastic rant blaming Dick Cheney for trying to silence him. I think it's plausible. I can't imagine Cheney was a fan.

We call too many people unique. Dave actually was.

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