November is often called 'Movember' in an effort to raise awareness towards men's health and afflictions that men across America face every day.  The Movember Foundation notes on their website that these afflictions include "prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention."

To continue to raise awareness for Movember, every Monday, head down to any Old Chicago location to watch Monday Night Football.  While you're there enjoying the game, grab an Odell's beer-- every purchase means that $1 will go towards the Prostate Cancer Fo

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You can also enter the 'MOLYMPICS' on November 28, which will take place from 5-7 p.m. in Old Town, where each male who submits a mustache on our site will be entered to participate in different challenges involving mustaches.

If you're a female and you want to participate by adding your own "mustache" (if it's fake, that's okay!) you are more than welcome to join in on the fun.

You can hang out with our staff there as well as win some awesome prizes from Odell's (including the cooler to the left), so snap a pic of that hairy lip and send it our way!  We'll post a gallery of mustaches on our site after the submission deadline, 11/20.


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