We have put Stuntman Dirt from my show in some pretty bad situations... A car wash naked on top of a car, we've paper cut the webs of his fingers, shot racquetballs at his back as hard as we could, and made him eat the hottest peppers we could find among other things. But the ass kicking he took from a chick on Friday night had to be the worst yet... 

Jenny from Colorado KRAV MAGA got into the cage at the MMA event at the Budweiser Events Center with Dirt and went ape sh** on the poor guy.

She asked me before the event how much I wanted her letting up, and I told her I wanted blood, literally. No blood, but bumps on the back of the head the size of golf balls or bigger came from this...

Yes, the punches were real, and the knees to the head too....

Dirt was supposed to stay and watch the fights with me, but after about 10 minutes of sitting there after his beat down he turned ghost white, looked like death, and went home to sleep it off. He survived... Barely, but we can forever make fun of him as he got his ass kicked by a chick half his size.

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