When we first started Loudwire I had a grand idea to torture those who were willing by doing Jackass style stunts. I got Intern Romero and Stuntman Dirt to agree to eat pickled pigs feet out of the jar. They hated me so much that we quit doing stunts… Until now! For our fourth stunt, Stuntman Dirt and I will play rock, paper, scissors to determine witch of his webs will be paper cut. 

I got to thinking how I could really hurt Dirt without sending him to the hospital, and after watching Jackass a couple days ago it was clear that I needed to paper cut him in between his fingers (his webs). But I couldn't just go to town paper cutting him, I had to give him a way to get out of it. So, I decided I would play him in 8 games of rock, paper, scissors because you have 8 webs. Each game he won saved a web, and each game he lost he got his web cut... Here is how it turned out.

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