Have you ever been en route to a destination and wondered if you could possibly avoid that particularly dark road where creepy homeless people usually hang out? Or maybe you are driving in a new town and don't know that by taking that next left turn, you could end up on the corner of drug-deal central in the most dangerous part of the city.

Current navigation apps don't provide users with the capability to get the inside scoop on "sketchy" areas that they may want to look out for. Fear not though, there's a solution!

SketchFactor, a newly released iPhone app, does not only provide users with directions to their destination, but will also share the experiences and observations of others who have been in and around the area. App users can report sketchy people, disturbing smells, or even personal encounters that may have left them feeling uneasy.

Being aware of "sketch points" can come in handy for sure, but it does pose the question of what exactly defines something as sketchy. Everyone certainly has their own opinions about what they find to be threatening or dangerous, but for the most part, we think that this app will serve more good than harm. By being able to report and see incidents, it gives users the feeling of safety that did not come with former map apps. So, what do you think?Will you download it?

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