So another Christmas has come and gone, but we're not out of the woods yet! The holidays aren't over until that ball drops in New York City. On that note, let's talk New Year's resolutions!

Yeah, remember that thing you said LAST year that you now feel guilty about not keeping up on? Are people really still kidding themselves with the New Year's resolution? The most common one I always hear is "I'm going to get in shape this year!" In less than two months time, they're back to their old selves. I have a really interesting take on the life span of the average resolution.

Before I got this job I use to work at a family owned pizza place and after doing it for a few years, you notice a pattern. Winter was always the worst time of year for us, and it makes sense. During Christmas, people are with their families and eating big home cooked meals. Then we reach the new year... Remember that "get in shape" resolution? Well guess who suffers the most? Yep, mom and pop's pizza!

So where does it stop? Oddly enough, things pick up at a weird time. It is my belief that Valentines Day is the knife that kills your New Year's resolution. If you think about it, it actually makes a lot of sense! No, people aren't bringing their dates to our pizza place, but they do bring them somewhere. Couples will go out to dinner, breaking their "no junk food" streak, then they go home and get their "valentines" on... *wink* Wouldn't you want to live every day like that? (Without all the commercial romantic crap of course.) Sure enough, the week after Valentines Day is crazy at that pizza place.

Let's make a realistic resolution! This year, I've decided to survive! I'm going to breathe, eat food, and even sleep every day! If you can't keep that resolution, you shouldn't feel guilty, you should just be dead.

So tell me, what resolution are you kidding yourself with this year?

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