Do you like Kool-Aid? How about booze? Now close your eyes for a second, imagine yourself in your favorite place, and booze in powered form just like Kool-Aid! I can't give you the first part of the that scenario, but I can promise you that the second part exists! 

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has approved Palcohol for sale in the US. Palcohol? Well, that's the powder that, when added with water, becomes an alcoholic beverage!

Basically, this is a great way to sneak booze into places where it isn't allowed, or carry much more booze with a lot less volume. Maybe you can also eat it? Or how about snorting it? The company says not to, but what do they know:

Can I snort it? We have seen comments about goofballs wanting to snort it. Don’t do it! It is not a responsible or smart way to use the product. To take precautions against this action, we’ve added volume to the powder so it would take more than a half of a cup of powder to get the equivalent of one drink up your nose. You would feel all pain for little gain. Just use it the right way.

Vodka, rum, Cosmopolitan, Mojito, Powderita and Lemon Drop are your flavor choices, and you can start getting powdered drunk this Fall!

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