Nope, uh-huh, no way... I am not sorry, no, I will not apologize, I am right & you are so wrong it's not even funny! Ok, I admit that sounds sort of harsh and maybe just a little arrogant.

I am tired of apologizing for my rock and roll lifestyle, the era I grew up in and the music I love. I know, every generation thinks theirs is/ was the best, well guess what?

Mine is the best and I'm not going to apologize. I will not apologize for my mullet,(OK, maybe just for that one bad haircut, the 70's style porn Burt Reynolds/Tom Selleck/cholo looking mustache. Other than that I'm not sorry for the Vans, the spandex, the ripped jeans (bell bottoms & stone washed) the jean jacket, patches, Aquanet, buttons, concert t-'s, my Alva skateboard, my Schwinn bike, my Huffy BMX bike, My G.I. Joes, Star Trek action figures (don't you dare call them dolls!), my comic books, Monster magazines from the late 70's, my Kiss records, and every record, 8-track & cassette I've owned ever since.

Every time my youngest daughter Lola says "yo, pops check this band out", I cringe... It's all the same... Crappy hip-hop/rap/techno, soulless/auto-tuned/generic, bland music. She recently said "I just saw the best concert ever at Red Rocks", & I replied, sarcastically "Really, was Van Halen here & I missed it?" She was not amused. In her defense, she's actually a very open mined, witty, funny, artistic & beautiful young woman, she's a good sport, although we like to give each other a hard time now & again. But in all honesty she actually grew up on my rock & roll, all my kids did, they were hitting every rock show even while in the womb (god bless Char, she went all the shows whether I was performing or not). Every now & then I have to sit Lola down & give her a lesson in rock & roll history. Someday she will see that I am right. My rock is the best rock...period!

P.S. Lola, I love you & I'm sorry... sorry you missed out on real rock & roll.


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