Yesterday, there were tree trimmers here in Windsor taking down a tree not too far away from the station. I swung by and asked them if I could have a few small chunks of the wood. They obliged and gave me a few pieces.

Matt Sparx
Matt Sparx
Matt Sparx
Matt Sparx

The species is Elm, a plentiful tree here in Northern Colorado. As it sits in log forn, it is pretty much useless to me. To get what I want out of it I now I need to have it milled into boards which will more than likely be around an 1" thick. After being milled into boards, it will have to be stacked and stickered (small boards placed in between to produce airflow around the board) then dried for at least a year before I can create anything with it.

The grain in the first photo looks absolutely amazing! However, I am not really sure what to make with it when the time comes to use it. I am thinking about a jewelry box, or maybe some other type of box.


What do you think I should make with it?

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