Last year was the tenth anniversary of September 11th, 2001, so there were a lot of great ceremonies, tributes, and memorials. Now that it is the eleventh year and not such a glamorous number it is important to keep remembering that horrible September day in 2001. Last year ESPN did a piece on a man named Welles Crowther. After wiping the tears off of my face I knew that I wanted to continue to share Welles story and the story of the other heroes from that day.

Yes, there were hundreds and even thousands of heroes that day, and nothing makes one more important than another, but the stories told about people like Welles truly give you the sense that the American people are good. People that in the worst possible scenario imaginable put others in their minds and gave their lives while trying to help save others.

Here is the story of Welles Crowther by ESPN...

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