In the days leading up to the tenth anniversary of September 11th, 2001 I have decided to honor those who we now consider heroes because of the actions they took that horrific day. Rick Rescorla was a hero on that September day, yes, but he was also a hero because of the actions of long before that day. Rescorla saw something coming, and had the employees he provided security for ready for an event such as the one that happened on September 11th 2011. Rescorla went on to save over 2,600 plus lives that day, and he is now honored with a statue, and the stories from those he saved that day.

Yes, there were hundreds and even thousands of heroes that day, but these select few that I will showcase this week have stories that seem to give you the sense of how much they put others in their minds and gave their lives while trying to help save others.

Here is the story of Rick Rescorla by the History Channel…

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