Since the election the buzz has been about how the passing of Amendment 64 will effect Colorado. It got me to thinking too. What happens if you just aren't into smoking pot? Well, maybe you could drink it! It's true, the legalization of marijuana could spell a new type of brew... Pot beer.

Most likely you won't be seeing any weed beers on the shelf at the local liquor stores anytime soon because brewer’s recipes are regulated by federal government where marijuana is still illegal, but that doesn't mean home brewers won't be brewing over this idea.

Even though hops and marijuana are related, they serve two distinctly different purposes. Hops is a flavoring agent, well marijuana may add flavor to a beer, just not in a good way.

So, is it even possible to add weed to beer? Well, The internet is littered with various recipes and tips on how to best incorporate cannabis tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, into a beer. So I would assume, yes!

THC is slightly soluble in boiling water. Adding alcohol, oil, or butter causes the THC to dissolve better, according to

Commercial brewers who distribute out of state, such as New Belgium Brewing Co., told the Coloradoan they have no intentions of using marijuana to brew in light of Amendment 64.

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