Hey, these are tough times, so even the boogeyman, long known for his work scaring little kids, has had to take a second job.

A Florida man who crashed his motorcycle and is accused of being drunk at the time told police the boogeyman was responsible for the crash.

Forty-nine-year-old James Scarborough was taken to a hospital with minor injuries last Sunday when someone found him pinned under his bike after he had crashed into some trees.

When authorities arrived at the hospital, they couldn't help but notice his breath smelled like alcohol. Scarborough denied being in an accident that day, but when cops asked him how he wound up stuck under his motorcycle he replied the "boogeyman" did it.

Scarborough also refused to take a field sobriety test and then got hostile towards officers.

Eventually, he wound up arrested on several charges, including DUI, resisting a law enforcement officer, refusal to submit DUI test, operating a motor vehicle without a valid license and operating a motorcycle without a license.

Let's hope the boogeyman doesn't cause any more trouble for him when the case heads to court.

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