Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas has a 37.5-acre field, where the public can dig around for diamonds.  Sounds crazy, but low-and-behold, a woman from Longmont will be coming home with a substantial find! 

Glenn Young, Getty Images

What luck!  Bobbi Oskarson, from Longmont, was in Arkansas recently. Part of her visit included digging around at Crater of Diamonds State Park, where the public can keep whatever diamonds they find.  Find, she did! Bobbi is now the proud owner of a whopping 8.75 carat diamond! What the what?

The park opened in 1972.  Since then, only four other finds have been as large as Bobbi’s. The largest ever found at Crater of Diamonds was a huge 16.72 carats back in 1975.

What the coolest thing you’ve ever found?

[Source: CBS4Denver]

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