Bob Brunacci should also be known as Johnny-on-the-spot.

That's a sports term that is used for the guy who is in the right place at the right time.

However he manages to snap pictures like t his is fine with me. Bald eagles are making a strong comeback, and I'm thankful that seeing them, at least in Colorado, is becoming a usual thing.

I saw some flying over the shopping center on North College a few weeks ago. Just a couple bald ealges, circling over head, like it was no big deal. When I was a kid, they were endangered! I could never imagine seeing a bald eagle in the flesh.

When I arrived at the purple mountain majesty of the Rockies, I finally saw some (in the 1990's, on the road between Gunnison and Crested Butte). Since then, they've come to nest on Windsor Lake, I've seen them in City Park in Fort Collins, and I see them on the lake near my house.

Awesome. That word is overused, but with bald eagles, it's fitting. They are just awesome!

Thanks, Bob, for the great photos!


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