I know some may see it differently, but to me a color is a color, a team is a team, and a number is a number. Society has now allowed a bunch of thugs to take ownership of those things and as a result some school kids aren't even able to show support for their favorite football teams or players. I say we take back back our teams, colors, and numbers, and let the kids wear their Peyton Manning jersey's!

A third-grader from Monfort Elementary in Greeley was recently sent home to change out of his Denver Broncos Peyton Manning jersey because the number 18 that is on the jersey is a dress code violation. The dress code has been in effect for three years now because of issues with the gangs in Greeley. Along with 18 for the 18th Street gang, the numbers 13, which is affiliated with the Sureno gang, and 14, which is affiliated with the Norteno gang, are not acceptable. Their reverse (31, 41, and 81) are also banned, as are the colors red (Norteno), blue (Sureno) and black and blue (18th Street).

So my question is, what can the kids wear?

I realize this has nothing to do with Peyton Manning, but he is a prime example of the opposite of a gangster or thug. So just because he choose to wear the number 18 on the football field kids cant support him? It has to stop! We have to put our foot down and stop this childish behavior.

I am not sure what a gang is. To me it is a group of thugs that hang out, look for trouble, and often get into it. They seem to have numbers and colors that they use to represent themselves. So my suggestion is to let them wear their numbers and colors, wouldn't that make them easier to identify? You have to have zero tolerance for gang related activities, such as carrying weapons, bullying, and other thug-like behavior, not for wearing certain colors or numbers! To me, outlawing things like we are makes the idea of doing even more appealing to the thugs. If we ignore their immature, stupid ideas of owning numbers and colors it is likely it will be less of an adventure and eventually may stop on its own.

I may be wrong with my opinions in this case, but I think we need to step up and take back the simple things that belong to the good people like colors, numbers, and the ability to wear what you want to school. Who is with me?

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