If you know me, you know I LOVE ice cream. Surprisingly, I had no idea that July is National Ice Cream Month. Although I celebrate almost every month, today we can celebrate together. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

Here are some fun ice cream facts to help us celebrate!

  • Each American consumes an average of 23.2 quarts of ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, ices and other commercially produced frozen dairy products each year.
  • The Northern Central states have the highest per capita consumption of ice cream, at 41.7 quarts. The top three cities in America that purchase the most ice cream are: Portland, Oregon; St. Louis, Missouri; and Seattle, Washington.
  • More ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week.
  • Ice cream consumption is highest during July and August. July is National Ice Cream Month.
  • The average number of licks to polish off a single scoop ice cream cone is approximately 50.
  • 98% of all households purchase ice cream

Chocolate is the number one favorite flavor of ice cream, according to a new Harris Poll. 27% said chocolate is their fave while there was a three-way tie for second place with 22% each citing vanilla, cookie dough and cookies and cream. 20% chose butter pecan and Swiss almond, while 17% said mint chocolate chip is best. Other choices include rocky road (14%), strawberry (13%), cherry vanilla (9%), coffee (9%), pistachio (8%) and peanut butter (8%).


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