Are Facebook pages for marijuana dispensaries and companies illegal to have, or is Facebook going overboard in shutting these pages down? That's one question being raised as many organizations have seen their pages shut down in recent weeks.

In a recent article published by the Colorado publication Westword, the subject has come to light and many businesses are now working to figure out how to get around the issue.

Facebook page shutdowns have occurred all across the country, including New Jersey, Oregon, Arizona, and Maine to name a few. Local Colorado dispensaries and businesses have also been targeted, due to what Facebook calls a violation of their "community standards".

In the companies community standards, they state that they do not allow content that promotes the sale of marijuana no matter what state or country it originates from. As long as a dispensary doesn't publish promotion of the sale of the drug, their page will stay intact.

The policies for Facebook have been the same for many years and nothing has changed since the legalization of marijuana by states across the country.

Businesses who have had their pages deleted have brought back other pages to promote their business in the hope that they get back the many social media followers that they have gained over the years.

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