I must admit I am as bad or worse as the next guy when it comes to looking at my phone all the time, and if I cant find it I freak out a little bit. To many it has become our lifeline. It has important information in it such as phone numbers, passwords, account info, etc. If you lose you phone you can be in shambles for some time. So... How far would you go to save something important like your phone from being lost?

What gross (and probably not-so-smart) things would you do to save your smartphone from destruction? T-Mobile hired a research firm to conduct a survey and share the silly, stupid and gross results. Here are some of the results:

  • 59% of smartphone owners said they would reach into a toilet to retrieve their phone.
  • 63% would dig through stinky garbage if they couldn’t find their phone.
  • 25% would fight a thief.
  • 17% would venture onto a train track or into a tunnel for their phone.
  • 12% would run into traffic if they dropped their phone in the middle of the street.
  • 10% would rather leave home without pants than without their phone.
  • 50% of women said they’d rather leave home without make-up than their smartphone.

The moral of the story, our phones have become more important than our pants!

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