Local business owners in Lyons, Co. BARE ALL... for flood relief!

More than a year after the flood devastated their town, the people of Lyons are putting their lives back together. For many, however, progress has been slow. So to help out, some Lyons local business owners have put together a fundraiser to aid families and businesses still struggling to rebuild.

It's a calendar. With pictures of naked people in it! Heck, yeah! The nudie-ish photos (pictures of the fundraising business owners themselves) are actually really tasteful, imaginative and funny. It's an awesome idea to support a great cause.

Calendars are $30 and a full $20 (per calendar) of that goes directly to the Lyons Community Foundation. You can buy one online if you go to Amazon and type in "Lyons Bares All" or CLICK HERE.

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