First, I'll give it an 'A' for pre-show excitement.

My wife read all the books, and what she told me had me very intrigued.

She briefed me on what to expect. Submission contracts. A sexually inexperienced recent college grad. A young billionaire with singular tastes in--everything.

It was even more intriguing because we were able to go to an early premiere.

Since I didn't read the book, I didn't have to worry about the movie not living up to the read. So I went into it with a clean slate.

The movie was instantly interesting, because of Dakota Johnson (Anastasia Steele). She carries the movie. Jamie Dornan was exceedingly gorgeous, so since I'm very superficial, I thought he was great. But the women that I spoke to seemed to think he almost lived up the majesty that is Christian Grey in the novel. Almost.

Watching them explore BDSM with other movie-goers was part exciting, part creepy. I couldn't help but wonder who in the audience had tried such things, or who would, and who was just repulsed.

The ending caused an audible gasp of titillation. I never expected it to end that way, and it came quickly. As the credits rolled, Anastasia's power and you-go-girl-ness went through the roof. I was in love with her during the movie. After that abrupt ending, I'm borderline obsessed. She's amazing, and is the real standout in this film.

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