Once a week my hometown newspaper, the Greeley Tribune, puts together what they call their Crime Log. Basically they find the weirdest sh** that the cops encountered, and believe me there is a lot, in the town over the previous week. This week we learned that of the townsfolk seem to be offended by people doing yoga in nothing but their bra on the neighborhood sidewalks. 

Call me a sicko, but when I first read about this strange behavior I thought it sounded kind of sexy. But then I remembered that we don't live inside of a Hollywood movie, and how I would have probably been uncomfortable trying to explain to my kids why the weird lady down the street was exercising half-naked on the sidewalk. I don't know if I would have called the cops on the woman, but someone did:

March 19th, 4:12 p.m.: A resident reported a woman lying on the sidewalk in front of a neighbor’s house in her bra. The caller believed the woman to be on drugs, as she was doing yoga moves while walking down the street.

I think we may be jumping to conclusions here too. There are people in this world who are very comfortable in their skin and love yoga a lot more than you and I might, so this woman wasn't necessarily high on drugs. Maybe she was just high on life and doing yoga?

That being said, this kind of activity, as harsh as it may sound, should only be reserved for hot college students. So, does anyone happen to have a photo of this episode so I can determine whether or not the cops should have been involved?

Some of the other Crime Log highlights this week included:

-A caller reported a smoke smell and wanted officers to check the area. Police found neighbors were using a barbecue grill.

-A man told police he is in the hospital for the night with a possible heart attack, and he’s concerned that his sister may be having a party at his house. He said his neighbors are over there “having fun” with her, and they are all drunk. He said his sister is allowed to stay there, but he doesn’t want the other people there.

-A caller was “quite distraught” over an “aggressive squirrel.”

-A woman called police to report that she found 50 bottles of nasal spray in a box on her front porch. The package was addressed to another woman. She wanted to know if it’s legal to have that many bottles of nasal spray.

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