Humans and a majority of other animals in the world have a mouth full of pearly white chompers, but there are a few creatures out there with different color teeth - including some species that exist in Colorado.

Beavers are one example of critters that have unusual colored teeth. Rather than the typical white hue, beavers sport front teeth that appear reddish-orange in color.

Dušan veverkolog,sempre dilunedi/Unsplash
Dušan veverkolog,sempre dilunedi/Unsplash

Porcupines are another case of creatures with different colored teeth and like their rodent relatives, these prickly animals have two front teeth that stand out. The teeth of porcupines are a bright orange shade.

The reason for the non-white coloring is due to the iron oxide in the enamel of these animals' teeth. Being packed full of iron helps beavers and porcupines gnaw on trees, wood, and branches. It also keeps their teeth strong so they don't wear down over time and years of chewing on hard things.

Besides sharing similar-looking rusty-colored buck teeth, another feature these two rodents have in common is that their two front incisors continue to grow their entire lives. Most other mammals have two sets of teeth during their lives. The two are also pretty comparable in size - beavers being the largest rodent in North America and porcupines as the second biggest.

Animals Live In Squalor At Kabul Zoo
Getty Images

Both of these mammals also live in the Centennial State so you just might get the chance to see the teeth of these animals up close and in person if you get lucky.

RELATED: What Animals Are Considered Keystone Species in Colorado?

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It's no secret that Colorado is home to stunning wildlife. However, that doesn't mean we should interact with the wildlife — some animals are meant to be avoided. See the dangerous Colorado animals you should steer clear of in the gallery below.

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