I've never been a huge fan of dance clubs.  And don't think I'm just a stubborn kid who dislikes something even though he's never tried it.  On the contrary, I've given dance clubs their fair shake numerous times; but they're just not for me.  Deafening music, overpriced drinks, and wall-to-wall people just don't make up a good time for me.  That said, I'm not going to miss 100 Octane in Old Town Square; but I'm excited about what's taking its place!

Michael Campana and his fellow owners have closed 100 Octane for renovations.  When it reopens later this month, it will be transformed into a casual bar and lounge, called The Rec Room.

Campana said the new bar will still offer a dance floor on the weekends, but will also feature vintage video games along the wall and a relaxed atmosphere. He said the Rec Room will keep prices affordable with a variety of drink specials. He said the bar aims to offer a place where people aged 21-35 will feel comfortable any day of the week, with space to just sit and chat. Campana said the company brought in a new manager to help ensure a fresh start for the Rec Room.

Now that sounds like somewhere I'd like to go for a drink sometime!

I'll definitely be paying this place a visit when it opens.  I'll let you know how it goes!

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