This weekend "Country Strong" and "Season of the witch" open in theaters. Let's look around for some reviews to see what the critics are saying.

Christy Lemire AP Movie Critic says this about "Country Strong":

"Some of the best country songs are the ones that tell a story — ones that feature vivid imagery, a strong narrative drive and a killer emotional payoff.

In telling the story of a self-destructive singing superstar, "Country Strong" hints at the possibility of delivering that kind of moving experience, but ultimately it's too meandering and uneven to ever truly tug at your heart.

Writer-director Shana Feste's film occupies an uncomfortable sort of middle ground. It's not rich enough, and its characters aren't developed enough, to be a searing drama or a portrait of artistic torment; "Coal Miner's Daughter," this is not. But at the same time, it isn't over-the-top enough to be enjoyed as a divalicious guilty pleasure like "A Star is Born" or "The Rose.""

Christy Lemire AP Movie Critic says this about "Season Of The Witch":

"So here's the gimmick in "Season of the Witch": It takes place during the 14th century, but everyone speaks in contemporary language, which might have been acceptable if the dialogue were clever or intelligent or funny or, you know, good.

Instead, Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman are the knights who say ... nothing of any particular note in a supernatural action thriller that's never actually thrilling.

You expect this kind of schlock in January, but "Season of the Witch" isn't even bad in an enjoyable way."

You can watch the trailers for both below:

If you end up going to either, why don't you come back and leave a review in our comment section below.

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