We've got some weird Denver Broncos news to share with you today... The Denver Broncos backup Quarterback, Chad Kelly, was arrested last night on first degree trespassing charges.

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According to the Denver Channel, Chad Kelly allegedly was standing outside of an Englewood home at around 1:17 a.m. before entering the residence. When he entered the home uninvited, he then sat next to a woman holding her child on the couch. Kelly was reported to be mumbling incoherently to the woman. She called for what we assume to be her husband who confronted Kelly and struck him in the back with a vacuum tube and kicked Kelly out of the home. When police arrived Kelly was gone. A search ensued for the man matching the description. Shortly after, Kelly was found in a black SUV at around 1:50 a.m. located in front of the Gothic Theatre on South Broadway. The homeowner confirmed it was in fact the Denver Broncos backup Quarterback Chad Kelly. Kelly was arrested on First Degree Trespassing and bonded out this morning at 11 a.m. for $2,500.

An NFL Spokesman said that they are looking in to the matter.


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