I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to believe that one of the greatest American song writers among other things is 70 years old today! “I expect to be playing music endlessly,” Bob Dylan said in 1968, at age 27, on an enforced hiatus from a near-fatal motorcycle accident suffered two years earlier. He wasnt kidding. Just a few months ago Dylan took the one of the biggest stages there is in music at the Grammy's. With a nasly raspy voice, still one of the best singers we have ever heard. It wasnt all about the music either, Dylan also transcended styles and fashions throughout his career. Today you can ask any one in music and most likely they are going to have something good to say about the man who changed folk music forever. Current rockers Kings Of Leon frontman Caleb Followill said: "He's a huge hero. Anyone who's ever tried to write a song feels stupid when they hear one of his. We met him on tour. I almost passed out." Guns N' Roses axeman said: "I've played with some of the greats but Bob Dylan is one of the greatest without a doubt." You can add your own tribute to Dylan on a public forum here!

Dylan said “I’m a firm believer in the longer you live, the better you get,” in 1968. in his case, he just may have been right. Happy 70th!

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