Many people, like me, enjoyed the mild winter and early start to spring, but those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies may have the weather that we enjoyed to blame for itchy, watery eyes and nose. Experts say people who suffer from seasonal allergies are experiencing allergy symptoms about three to four weeks earlier than normal. Are you suffering too? 

This allergy season is not only early, but it is much worse due to the high counts of allergens like tree pollen. As a result, some individuals who do not normally suffer from allergies may be experiencing allergies and mistakenly attributing their symptoms to a common cold. A common cold will typically involve coughing and blowing your nose, but when you cough or blow your nose and there is green mucus present that is a sign of infection which means you have a cold. When you are suffering from allergies, in addition to having a stuffy nose or cough, your eyes and nose will be itchy.

There are several options for reducing exposure to allergens. If you are allergic to mold, pollen, or other outdoor allergens, use air conditioning instead of opening windows during warm or hot weather. For those who are allergic to pets like dogs and cats, obviously, it's best to avoid homes where those animals are present.

People with mild allergies can also use over the counter medications like Zytec and Claritin, which will help reduce allergy symptoms. If you are taking over-the-counter allergy medications and still cannot be outdoors for an extended period of time without having allergy symptoms, it is probably time to visit an allergist.

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